Friday, February 25, 2011


So you guys do you like my hair!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Its soft and white so hold on tight.          So it snowed allot last night!BUT NO STICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!.WA WA WA.I was like totally looking forward to sledding :(     (BOO HOO) So here i am on the next day !Nothing,it was 25 degrees.But there was no snow, and no clouds.Well there is always next year(boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo hoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo)

Sunday, February 20, 2011


So my brother  was walking up the hall.My mom was doing my hair and my brother ran to the living room. He said SPIDER.i went to look.It was a bit of my hair.I picked it up.He backed up.I held the hair. Then i put it in front of him.HE TOTALLY SCREAMED LIKE A GIRL!So he went to my mom and sat down with her.I put the hair on him.It got stuck under his chin when he was looking down.He soon got it off.After that he took a bath.HE SCREAMED AND KICKED HE DID NOT WANT TO GET IN.HE SAID SPIDER!SPIDER!SPIDER!.He did not take a bath.It was late so he went to bed.Now when he hits me he will be sorry!poor poor boy!

Saturday, February 19, 2011


so i have a brother.Well he LOVES RED.If u give him a red cup he gets happy and says my favorite color is red.he some times wont eat unless it is red.HE LOVES RED

Saturday, February 12, 2011


I'm the girl with black hair.thees r some of my bff.its a small party but it is fun
 I have a super smile in this one.all my friend have good smiles.
 we r having a  zombie race. i won both,i did the blue t shirt one first then pink jacket girl.

 hurry up its almost time to rap it up.
 this is me with all of it on me.I was not in a race i was just having FUN
 will they beat us?
 half way done
 the beginning
 nice start
 is she a blind zombie
thank you my friends